Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Resolutions 2011

Tis the time of year to make some resolutions for the are mine.....
1) Tame the bulge. I need to get fit and lose some lbs so I feel younger than my age. I eat pretty healthy.....but could use some activity in my life....and more than just getting off my chair and walking to the bathroom!

2)Enjoy Life More!!! Life in the Wallace Household has become more hectic than ever with all the kids' activities and our jobs. I will to take time to enjoy the little things.

3) Become more frugal!!! The last part of 2010 we became more frugal and worked to pay off debt. I hope that we continue working towards this goal. I hope to become more frugal in every way, shape, and form!

4)Organize my classroom and trash the unused stuff! OOH how I have the need to do this.

5)Play less on facebook...instead read more and knit more!

6)Continue to grow in my spiritual journey.

7) Support Matt in all his new endeavors!

8) Love my kids and spend time doing the little things like playing games, talking, taking a walk or bike ride with them regardless of how tired I am or how dirty the house is!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 A Year in Review....

Happy New Year! Beginning the year, we had high hopes for a fabulous year. It came with highs and lows. I must say the Wallace's are more than happy to kiss 2010 Goodbye! Here's a look into our year.....well as much of it that got documented.

Saturday, December 11, 2010